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Huddle Touch Ministry

Huddle Touch originated from Dr. Jeffrey Singletary's experiences doing chapel services for high schools, colleges, and NFL teams for 30 years. There were three other individuals that further motivated him in the birth of Huddle Touch as well. Other motivators were Dr. Tony Evans, Adopt-A-School Initiative, a challenge by Chuck Colson in his book, The Faith Given Once For All, to re-evangelize the West, and the legacy of the late, great, Lee Roy Selmon. Pastor Singletary revealed that the initial Huddle Touch messages came as a word from the Lord for the USF Bulls men's basketball team. WAM!
Huddle Touch is continuing to grow. The ministry now serves multiple teams on high school campuses in Hillsborough County and beyond. The ministry began with two schools the first year, which doubled to four the second year. 

This year Huddle Touch has touched and ministered to 65 different teams (football, volleyball, Baseball and basketball), both girls and boys. Each week Huddle Touch provides a message and meal for many student athletes that would not otherwise have a meal. The number of teams increase almost weekly. In 2016 there were 684 decisions for Christ by students, coaches, faculty, and parents. Will you give a gift to help Huddle Touch continue to touch and changes lives for the cause of Christ? We need your help. Will you help us? Thank you in advance for your gift that keeps on giving.


Huddle Touch is currently reaching 28 high school teams in Hillsborough County and 3 college campuses in the Tampa Bay area and beyond. In addition, we are reaching schools from Tallahassee to Miami Florida, Dallas to DC and the Caribbean.

To share and show the love of Jesus Christ to young people throughout the Greater Hillsborough County and beyond in a simplistic and practical way.
To share our faith within the context of a sports environment and as opportunities present themselves, we will share an encouraging, uplifting, and motivating message of hope.
  • Boldness to share faith in a sports environment
  • Provide a nutritious team meal
  • Create an atmosphere of fun
  • Get to know the young people in the community
  • Leave a fingerprint on the community
FaithTo share our faith within the context of a sports environment and as opportunities present themselves we will share an encouraging, uplifting, and motivational message of hope. ​​Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.​​
Provide a nutritious game meal to prepare the team for competition​.
Create an atmosphere of excitement that is conducive for  the moment while we serve them; This may be as simple as being positive, upbeat, kind, and friendly while we lovingly care for them.
An opportunity to get to know them and when it is appropriate, we will extend an invitation to worship with us​.
When I think of a fingerprint, I think of an athlete and gentleman who left his fingerprint on this city. He was a winner and a gentleman, both on and off the field because he was never off duty to who he was or Who he represented. Excellence of character was priority one for him. He understood that with gifts and talents comes responsibility.

He further understood that success in life is about having right priorities and sound moral character. There are many that make it to the top, but fall like a rock. So he would say to you today, “Don't let your talents take you where your character can't keep you".

What made his fingerprints so powerful was he believed in the One with the nail-print in His hands, the Lord Jesus Christ. What he did for Lee Roy Selmon, He will do for you! if you place your hand in His hand.

2014 Huddle Touch End of Year Banquet



  • Have a life coach on every school campus in Hillsborough County.

  • Help young people to navigate successfully through this maze called life.

  • Influence and impact young people's lives in a positive way academically, socially, relationally, and spiritually, so they are more healthy and well adjusted.

  • Speak to the challenges that young people are facing and dealing with today.

  • Along with sharing our faith, we provide a nutritious game meal to prepare the team for competition.

  • As motivators, we create an atmospere of excitment that is conducive for the moment while we serve the teams.

Lee Roy Selmon

©2024 Huddle Touch, Inc. All rights reserved.

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